Me Time

Health Update and What I've Been Reading

In the last issue of this newsletter I mentioned some health issues I was dealing with and said I'd provide an update next time. Well, this is next time, so here's the update. I had two issues that needed attention: a large kidney stone that had to be removed and an ovarian cyst also needing to be removed. Happy to report that both are gone and that the cyst turned out to be benign. At this point, I have one more appointment with the kidney stone doc and then I can turn the page on this medical chapter of my life. Now I just have to do the normal stuff: annual mammogram, annual skin check, dentist, and 6-month checkup with my primary doc. At this point, the normal stuff is a welcome relief and I am so grateful for the outcome of all of this stuff, for the great providers I've had, and for all who've sent their best wishes. Thanks.

So now, books. Here are some of the books I've read this year that I've loved: Sapphic romance: The Broken Lines of Us by Shia Woods (debut novel); The Flight Risk by Macon Leigh; Whistleblower: The Senator's Wife #3: Tangled Roots by Marianne K. Martin (historical)

Other genres: Val Vega: Secret Ambassador of Earth by Ben Francisco (queer YA sci fi); We Were the Lucky Ones by Georgia Hunter (Jewish historical and now a series on Hulu); When the Angels Left the Old Country by Sacha Lamb (Jewish mystic historic YA, audiobook).

Look them up. They're all great.

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