Me Time

The End of the Transitional Year

As 2023 drew to a close, I ended what I now see was a transitional year. I left my full-time job at the end of 2022 and began to work as a self-employed consultant last year. It was a strange 12 months, with the first half incredibly busy with projects, and the second half much less so. As a result, I've learned a lot about going out on my own and am glad that I waited til this stage of my career, when I'm basically bumping up against retirement, to do so.

The other key feature of the transitional year was that I stopped writing , which meant not completing the third book in The Split trilogy. While I had a lot of anxiety about this, and little motivation, it was helpful to see the year as just a break. Instead, I read about 101 books, the best of which I shared in the last issue of this newsletter.

So now it's 2024 and my resolution was to write 500 words a day, a mere pittance by contrast with most of my actively writing author friends, but a good plan of baby steps for me. The good news is that I have begun writing again. Not everyday, but when I do, I meet that word count. So hopefully there'll be a book 3 completed this year. Working title: The Diplomat (but not the one starring Keri Russell, unfortunately).

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