Me Time

Why Are There Pumpkin Flavored Lattes and Halloween Decorations in Stores in August?

I hope everyone's feeling good and enjoying these last few weeks of summer despite the fact that those people who want to sell us stuff are rushing us into fall.

Jenny and I spent a bit of our time on Fire Island in the community of Cherry Grove where the welcome message on the fence of one house can be seen in this fun photo.

This week I'm geeking out on the Democratic National Convention. First night speeches were incredible--AOC, Hilary, Rankin, Jasmine Crockett, and of course President Biden. With both Obamas slated for tonight, I'm sure not to be disappointed. And then there's Pete on Wednesday and Kamala to cap it off! I'm a bit fired up as you can tell.

Any Swifties here? I actually signed up for the Swifties for Kamala call next week. Really curious to see what that's like. At this point I've attended calls for just about all my identity groups!

In the world of books I'm still working my way through a list of ARCs from Net Galley. Three new 5 star books I've read are A Thousand Times Before by Asha Thanki, The Summer List by Katia Rose, and Her Golden Coast by Anat Deracine. I try to make sure my ARC reviews appear before (for Goodreads) and at publication date (for Amazon), so I've been prioritizing them. But I'm eager to get back to my KU pile as well as the books I actually paid for.

Finally, welcome to new subscribers most of whom signed up after seeing my ad in the I Heart SapphFic newsletter. Kudos to TB and Miranda for putting out such a valuable resource for the community.

OK, that's a bit too much Me Time so go on and enjoy the great links below.

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